If I enable cloudflare, I have empty page in browser

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if I enable cloudflare, I have empty page in browser

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

Screenshot of the error


From the screenshot you’ve posted, it’s clear that you need to configure the page at your host.

This error happens because you have selected the Flexible SSL option in Cloudflare. Change that to Full (strict) and it should work.


Hello! No. This page come from Cloudflare. If I turn off Cloudflsr all works fine.

!!! Thank You so much

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It actually does not come from Cloudflare. It is being served by your origin on port 80 which is used by unencrypted HTTP. When you use the insecure Flexible setting in Cloudflare, your HTTPS connection to Cloudflare is then sent unencrypted to the HTTP port on your server, which you can see is serving different content than the HTTPS port.


Yes, it is. Thanks!

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