iCloud Mail DNS Record Setup

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Cant access Custom iCloud Mail after Cloudflare registration.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Tried to remove or change Proxied CNAME, but it shows an error: “Unable to edit this record. It was generated by Cloudflare and can be modified in your Registrar configuration.”

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

Can you check if there is an option to “disable Parking site” or something similar in the Domain Registration menu? https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/domains/

Yes I followed the instruction and disabled the Parking Page, so the second CNAME is gone now. It looks like the DNS Records are matching with the ones shown on the Cloudflare support page for iCloud Mail DNS Registration, still I can´t access my custom domain in Mail.

Can you try whether you custom email is accessible via the iCloud website?

There is no Inbox for my custom Email Domain, I cant access it on Browser or in Mail App.

Could you try to go through the automatic setup again? The DNS records look good now, so if anything is missing, it should be on the iCloud side.

And you can’t select your custom domain when you try to send an email via iCloud web?

Yes, I can not select the domain when sending an email and additionally when I try to remove the Domain from iCloud it says that: “After you remove it, you and members of your Family Sharing group can’t send or receive email from any addresses at that domain in iCloud Mail.” and I don’t know if that means that I wont be able to create the same email address again upon re-registration.

You should be able to add the domain again afterwards.