I want to open my domain without www , please

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#CommunityTip error

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#communitytip 521 error

I am a beginner, I do not understand anything.

في الخميس، 26 مارس، 2020 2:29 ص sdayman via Cloudflare Community [email protected] كتب:

this is my domain: resaletmohamed.com
when I want open it without www it show this picture

في الخميس، 26 مارس، 2020 2:32 ص اقوال مأثورة [email protected] كتب:

In Cloudflare DNS, set your DNS records to :grey:. If you click on :orange:, that will switch it to :grey:.

Can you explain more?

في الخميس، 26 مارس، 2020 3:06 ص sdayman via Cloudflare Community [email protected] كتب:

Turn off the :orange: so they are :grey:.

I stop them

في الخميس، 26 مارس، 2020 3:21 ص sdayman via Cloudflare Community [email protected] كتب:


Is this correct??

في الخميس، 26 مارس، 2020 3:27 ص اقوال مأثورة [email protected] كتب:


Your domain is set up to use ‘www’. Without ‘www’, it forwards to ‘www’.

EDIT: It looks like you are using Blogger with a custom domain. I do not think Blogger will let you use it without www.

Cloudflare can not force to stop using www because your host is forcing it to use www.

yes I use Blogger

في الخميس، 26 مارس، 2020 3:42 ص sdayman via Cloudflare Community [email protected] كتب:

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