I’ve been blocked from a site with no explanation or reason

What is the error message?

Sorry, you have been blocked You are unable to access the site.

What is the issue you’re encountering

I can’t access the site.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

All I did was try to visit the site. A site I was able to visit in the past with no issues I might add.

While visiting a site protected by Cloudflare, error 1020 “Access denied (Error: 1020)” indicates you’ve violated a Firewall Rule. When this happens, you’ll see the error “Access Denied (Error: 1020)” and your request was blocked by the filter based Firewall rule on the site. If you’re the site owner, you can find the requests that was blocked by the Firewall on the Firewall page under the Events menu. See this CommunityTip for suggestions to avoid this error,


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