I thought my ssl gone but after then i realize the clouflare block my access to my

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the issue you’re encountering

i thought my ssl gone but after then i realize the clouflare block my access to my own website and when i want to access to that webstie it says " you have been blocked" after then i look inside of my cloudflare in the waf section inside event i see so many event which is blogs to me says "Mitigation Block by HTTP DDoS , Action taken Block,Rule ID, l7ddos and i also test to turn off all ddos protection and allow my county inde also allow my ip , turn off complete ddos protection and still block my ip address ! my ip address is not abuse i tested even with vpn but still block every ip address want to access i am also run v2ray inside my server side with firewall etc … but it is perfecly working fine with ip address , any ideas

Was the site working with SSL prior to adding it to Cloudflare?


What is the current SSL/TLS setting?


Currently, the domain has no valid DNS record. Would you add and await for propagation?

Cloudflare does not throw this error. If you see this, then this has to do with the server.

What is the current SSL/TLS setting?

That ain’t be the best option. Set it to Full Strict. More info is here:

my domain has two dns record
api and dev

I wanna know does Cloudflare blocks VPN traffic like v2ray from Iran country source or no?

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