I need some help, when I enable the free plan I get error Code: 1323

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?

You cannot add or modify subscriptions or services until all invoices are paid. Download each “Unpaid” invoice on your Billing page and click the “Pay online” link within each invoice to fix your account (Code: 1323)

What is the issue you’re encountering

I used to have a cf account, but I lost it for some reason, so if there were unpaid bills before, I need you to help me import them into the current account, because I can’t see any bill information at the moment.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have submitted a ticket before the 5th, but have not received any response until now.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Add domain name: mwnovel.com
Choose the free plan.

Welcome to the Cloudflare Community. :logodrop:

Questions about billing will need to be resolved by the Customer Support team and cannot be resolved on the Community. You can open a Billing ticket here, https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/support

Yes, I submitted Support a week ago, but haven’t gotten any response until now.

Do you know when you can expect a reply in support?

Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing when support staff will respond to your request. If you share the ticket number here we can request escalation.

Thank you.

Thank you for providing the ticket number. According to the ticket thread, our Billing team has taken over the ticket and further investigate to resolve the issue. They will update you through the ticket with their findings and any next steps. Your patience is highly appreciated.

My colleagues in Support have indicated this was resolved on your ticket. Please post another topic here if that is not the case.


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