I have this notice and cannot get assistance

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error message?

Identified We have identified an issue affecting a specific subset of customers’ ability to access the support portal. Our team is actively working on a fix to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

What is the issue you’re encountering

A site I manage for my husband’s business is down. It is hosted on Cloudflare, but it doesn’t show on the dashboard. Because of the support portal issue I cannot get help. I cannot even access my DNS settings. I need someone to contact me please.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have tried to reset my password so that I can get in, but although the system seems to acknowledge my email address ([email protected]), no reset code comes through on the email. I have gone to Facebook, but there are only chat bots and if I ask to speak to a human, I get sent to the support page which starts the login process all over again.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?


What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I don’t know, because I don’t know why my site is not showing in the dashboard.

Are you using Cloudflare Pages? Your site isn’t using Cloudflare nameservers and I can’t see a CNAME for a Pages site.

You do seem to have 2 IP addresses for your site, one is a Cloudflare one, the other is Google Cloud. I’m not sure if this is an error, or a setup from a Cloudflare partner, but you don’t appear to have your site in a Cloudflare account.

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