What is the name of the domain?
NFLPastPlayer com
What is the error number?
No errors - Just Not Connecting
What is the error message?
No Errors - Just Not Connecting
What is the issue you’re encountering
I have an active Cloudflare Account but My Site isn’t Connected
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Called my Hosting Provider - They told me to Call You.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Just Go to My Site
That domain is not registered yet. Where did you buy it?
Ok I’m sorry - It’s NFLPastPlayers com
with an “s”
That domain is currently not using Cloudflare nameservers, but A2Hosting. You’ll have to check there or change your nameservers to Cloudflare.
How do I do that? At A2 or at GoDaddy?
Do you want to use Cloudflare? If so, you need to change your nameservers at GoDaddy.
Else, you need to create the DNS records for your website at A2Hosting.
Alright what does that mean?
Do I change it at GoDaddy or A2?
How do I change my nameserver at GoDady? What do I change it too?
OK, let’s go a step back.
You are here in the Cloudflare forum, but your domain is not using Cloudflare. Why are you here? Do you want to use Cloudflare? Or did someone just send you here for whatever reason?
1 Like
July 1, 2024, 2:08pm
I am using cloudflare - My cloudflare account says I have an active account. But it looks like my website is not connecting to my cloudflare account
July 1, 2024, 2:08pm
did you see my reply where I corrected my spelling?
Can you show a screenshot of that?
Well, that’s weird. I don’t know why Cloudflare says the domain is active, but it doesn’t appear to have ever used Cloudflare.
Right now, everything seems to be working - do you want to make any changes?
If you want to use Cloudflare, you need to log in to GoDaddy and change your nameservers to those mentioned in your Cloudflare account.
Ok, A2hosting’s nameservers have Cloudflare IPs, so that would explain why. In that case, it seems the domain is actually active in your account.
What exactly is the problem you are trying to fix now?
1 Like
July 1, 2024, 2:33pm
How do I do that?
Where do I do that?