I have been charged for a domain that was $0.00

When I was looking on the possibility to transfer my domains to cloudflare I saw that the .ORG domains where $0.00, I decided to transfer one domain, just to test how the process was. I follow the instructions and my TOTAL was $0.00 AT ALL TIMES, so I accepted the deal and everything when perfect. 25 minutes later I recibed a notification of a charge from Cloudflare for $8.68

That´s frustrating. I tried to reach any kind of support, but there´s no support AT ALL, only for pro customers. Obviously I´m going to report this charge as a fraud.

To contact Cloudflare Customer Support, login & go to https://dash.cloudflare.com/?account=support and select get more help. I see there was a charge as indicated for a .rock tld, but don’t see any other charges. Please give Support the complete details and share your ticket number here and I’ll follow it.


Thanks. ORG and ROCKS tld where $0.00 dollars in my “send your domains to cloudflare registar” preview page. Is that an error? Are you guys not doing promotions? Because if every single tld was $0 I can understand that there was an error, but as it only was those 2 specifi tlds made me thing it was an offer and not an error.

Btw, When I go to support and I click on that button nothing happens. I tried with Edge, Chrome and Firefox. I will try from home later if there’s some firewall issues.

I doubt there are promotions, domain renewals are passed along at cost, I’ve not seen anything internally nor externally on promo pricing below cost, but support will be able to assist. If you continue to have issues with the form, email support AT cloudflare DOT com and indicate the domains.

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