I can't connect to kosaf.go.kr with cloudflare public dns

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

The dns records of kosaf.go.kr is missing in cloudflare public dns.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

Screenshot of the error

I was presented with some kind of type of 403 error coming from your server or service provider :thinking:

Some issue with DNSSEC as far as I’ve checked for at least:

Nameservers are quite odd and not using Cloudflare nameservers anymore? :thinking:

kosaf.go.kr.            0       IN      NS      jhad01.cloud.kosaf.vdi.
kosaf.go.kr.            0       IN      NS      hopsdn01.
kosaf.go.kr.            0       IN      NS      ns.kosaf.go.kr.
kosaf.go.kr.            0       IN      NS      ns2.kosaf.go.kr.

It’s not my server and I can’t connect there with cloudflare public dns(it connects well while I’m using other DNS server)

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