I Can't add My new site, The zone name provided is subject to a hold

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error message?

The zone name provided is subject to a hold which disallows the creation of this zone. Please contact the domain owner to have this hold removed.

What is the issue you’re encountering

When I am trying to add a site via add new site its throws error as following “The zone name provided is subject to a hold which disallows the creation of this zone. Please contact the domain owner to have this hold removed.” Thanks for the reports, we have resolved the issue. If you have any more issues please let us know!

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

not resolved

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

try to add it again

Do you know the name of the person that owns the domain? If so, you need to contact them to remove the zone hold. If not, you’ll want to create an account ticket.

You can open an Account ticket here, https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/support. Once you have a ticket number, please share it here.

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thank you so much for you response,
no i dont know him i just took the domain.

Thank you, in that case please open a ticket for the Support team to assist

Hi, i created ticket,
but no response I am still blocket at this step do you have any propositon than can i do
Thank you

this my ticket number #01240617 that i cant even reach

You can communicate with the team on the ticket via email.

I see their reply indicating what I’d commented earlier and asking you to reply via email if you had further issues.

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