I am receiving emails about a domain i do not own

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error message?

Hello, The zone: “daydreamservices.com” in account: “[email protected]’s Account” was deleted by Cloudflare on 2024-09-10T19:29:24.486761787Z. If the zone was deleted by mistake, you can add the zone back to reinstate existing configuration of the zone. You can read more about zone deletions by following the link below: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/221327488-Why-was-my-domain-deleted-from-Cloudflare- Thank you, The Cloudflare Team

What is the issue you’re encountering

I am receiving emails about a domain i do not own

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have contacted the support team but they do not accept emails unless i am on a plan

Hi there ‘ilyaasrayyan5’,

I am sorry about this situation, but we do have in fact on our database that in 13th of August 2024 was created the zone daydreamservices.com, and it is now deleted.

If you do not recognize this behavior we are sorry for it.


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