I am having issues connecting a web site to MainWP

What is the name of the domain?

Email redacted

What is the error number?


What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Not finding the domain Email redacted

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I am working with my ISP, and they tell me that I have CDN turned on for the website Email redacted. However, I can’t find it, and I need help.

You shared an email address. What is the name of the domain?


The domain is spectrawebdesigns.com.


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What error do you get when you proxy :orange: the CNAME record on https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/dns

I am using MainWP to manage all my websites. I deleted the website and re-installed it. The problem I am getting time-out errors when I try to re-install the website.

MainWP support tells me it is a networking issue.

My ISP is telling me that [email protected] (a subdomain of spectra web designs) is using Cloudflare’s CDN, and I should turn it off to test where I can log back into MainWP without it timeing-out.

So, l looked at my Cloudflare account and do not see the [email protected] account.

What am I missing?

That is an email address

Not a subdomain.

If the goal is to host content at dash2.spectrawebdesigns.com, it sounds like you want to / need to create a CNAME record called dash2 and ask your hosting provider to tell you the content/target for that record.

I talked to the ISP support team, and they found the resolution to the issue. I can connect to dash2.spectrawebdesign.com.

Thank you, for your help on this issue.


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