Hello everyone! I’m new to Cloudflare and setting up HTTPS for the first time, but I’m getting really stuck. After pouring around documentation, I have decided to come to this forum.
I have a website hosted on GitHub Pages, but the nameservers point to Cloudflare (as can be seen here https://www.namecheap.com/domains/whois/results.aspx?domain=www.howtovoteinmichigan.com)
Furthermore, when I log into Cloudflare it shows my site is active. For the DNS settings, I have “Flexible SSL” checked and the traffic going through Cloudflare (orange cloud). The SSL certificate is already issued, as under the “crypto” tab I see “Active Certificate”. It also isn’t a “Mixed Content” issue as all links point to https on the site.
The site is hosted on GitHub pages, and when I go to the http site it works, but https://www.howtovoteinmichigan.com/ doesn’t load and doesn’t have a certificate. Anything helps at this point - thank you so much!