HTTPS not working, however site is active, certificate is active, nameservers are set

Hello everyone! I’m new to Cloudflare and setting up HTTPS for the first time, but I’m getting really stuck. After pouring around documentation, I have decided to come to this forum.

I have a website hosted on GitHub Pages, but the nameservers point to Cloudflare (as can be seen here

Furthermore, when I log into Cloudflare it shows my site is active. For the DNS settings, I have “Flexible SSL” checked and the traffic going through Cloudflare (orange cloud). The SSL certificate is already issued, as under the “crypto” tab I see “Active Certificate”. It also isn’t a “Mixed Content” issue as all links point to https on the site.

The site is hosted on GitHub pages, and when I go to the http site it works, but doesn’t load and doesn’t have a certificate. Anything helps at this point - thank you so much!

Are you still having issues? It’s working for me

Hi, I also have the same issue for my site. My site is already active in the system but the site is totally gone. It is also active on my domain. What is happening? Please help. Thanks

Can you also provide my new URL link because my site is can’t be found. Thanks
This is my website:

I think I know what fixed it, but I don’t know why it’s an issue. Under GitHub’s settings page, there’s an option for ‘Enforce HTTPS’. Whenever I check that box, it stops working. After I uncheck it, it takes about 20 minutes in order for HTTPS to start working again. (this is only my theory after a few hours)

It’s now working, Thanks

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