
What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Blocked due to other 4xx issue

What is the issue you’re encountering

GSC reports blocked due to 4xx issue

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

GSC access

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Google Search Console is reporting “blocked due to other 4xxx issue” when attempting to access

I’ve created an apache rewriterule that redirects to the root, and it works from the command-line, but GSC is continually failing on this URL. My guess would be the double percent signs as some type of security violation? How do I bypass this?

You can view your security events for this event to see if you Cloudflare WAF is blocking this.

You can search by the associated rayID with this request:

You can allow this type of request.

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I think the problem is that it’s only possible to review a 24-hour period so it’s very difficult to identify any issues.

Google says the last crawl date was the 13th, so I checked on the 13th and 14th and only found two “bot challenges” on that date that appear to be related to Google, but aren’t related to this specific URL. I’m not even sure these are legitimate Google requests, as it’s only based on the user agent and both IPs are from AWS, not google’s cloud.

Does cloudflare have a relationship with Google that would prevent their bots from being blocked? If not, how can we prevent this?

I’ve also tried the “test live URL” option within GSC, and based on the last 10 entries in the WAF, there is no record of it being blocked.

Is there any way to categorically allow Google access to our site, perhaps based on their ASN?

I’ve now experimented with a number of WAF rules, including even setting up a rule that bypasses “google” wildcard user agents, but after trying the GSC live test for this specific URL, I don’t see any entries in the cloudflare logs or in my apache logs, but it’s still failing.

I’ve also tested other URLs in GSC that are failing and I see activity in my apache logs immediately.

During all these tests, I’ve cleared the cloudflare cache and also enabled development mode during these tests.

How can I bypass the default Cloudflare 400 error page and let the request go to the original server?

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