HTTP analytics

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How to get access to HTTP analytics

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I want to get programmatic access to HTTP analytics - i.e. as shown on the Cloudflare dashboard when you go to a site and choose “Analytics & Logs” → “HTTP Traffic”. In particular, I want to get a list of all URLs (although preferably filtered by a rule) fetched during a time period, and how many times each was fetched (so each unique URL is listed once accompanied by a counter). This is basically exactly the same information that is shown on the HTTP Traffic dashboard page, so Cloudflare must have it, but I can’t find any information about how to fetch it via the API (plus of course I want more than just the top 15). I do not want to use “Web Analytics”, it has to be based on the HTTP logs, not least because the fetches I want to count do not return HTML pages.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

Other / I don’t know

Use GraphQL…

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Could you give me a hint as to where to look please? I tried the following, which gives me a total number of requests, but I need requests-per-url:

  viewer {
    zones(filter: { zoneTag: $zoneTag }) {
        filter: {
          date: $date
        limit: 10
      ) {
          sum { requests }

Thanks for the pointer. The following seems to be more or less working, I think:

query ($zoneTag: string!, $start: Time!, $end: Time!) {
  viewer {
    zones(filter: { zoneTag: $zoneTag }) {
        filter: {
          clientRequestHTTPHost: ""
          clientRequestPath_neq: "/"
          datetime_geq: $start
          datetime_lt: $end
          originResponseStatus_lt: 300
        limit: 10000
        orderBy: [count_DESC]
      ) {
          dimensions { metric: clientRequestPath }

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