Although, with a server check using curl -v --http2, h2 is active with ALPN. What can be the problem?! Please help, i tried everything and still no results so far.
I just tried both Chrome Canary and Firefox Developer Edition and they both showing HTTP/1.1 and SPDY off. The website is also served through LAX when the closest data center to my place is SIN. Meanwhile cURL result shows that HTTP/2 is on.
uag=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3178.0 Safari/537.36
So, managed to get it fixed, thanks to support. So, if anyone is experiencing a similar problem, for me it was the antivirus to blame (totally surprising!). The Scan SSL module from Bitdefender was causing that and was downgrading the protocol, once turned off, h2 was active on that loc. First time i experience something like that, but disabling the Scan SSL module fixed it.
Better not to disable the SCAN SSL, because everything is SSL these days and you remove an important protection. What you can do is add exceptions for the sites where you really need HTTP/2 support (your own to verify for example). You can add exceptions per IP address, per application, or per URL.
I was just checking this too. Turned off anti-virus web protection and you’re right - it changes from 1.1 to 2.
However - what does this actually mean? Does it mean that anyone with anti-virus will only ever get 1.1 version of HTTP i.e. no speed boost from the HTTP2 of the site?
I don’t have any anti-virus on my main mac - only the laptop - but I get the same results - v1.1 on there. Seems odd. I got it to load v2 by using a private window. But that’s not how most people will be browsing.