I would like to whitelist these ip ranges in the Cloudflare’s firewall:
But when I try to add I get this error:
Country, IP address, or ASN not recognized
So how can I whitelist them? Please help me.
I would like to whitelist these ip ranges in the Cloudflare’s firewall:
But when I try to add I get this error:
Country, IP address, or ASN not recognized
So how can I whitelist them? Please help me.
That’s how you specify the full range of your last digit.
But does it cover .0 to .255 ?
What I want to do is whitelisting these IP ranges via Cloudflare:
How can I do that?
the /24 means you get 1-254. 0 doesn’t exist, and 255 is a broadcast address, so you don’t need those.
To get all four ranges, just create four /24 whitelist entries.
So I have to put like this ?:
That should do it. Post back if it’s not working.
I think it doesn’t work.
What type of message are you getting?
Also, check Cloudflare’s Firewall tab and scroll to the bottom to see the firewall log for your IP address(es) being blocked.
The problem is payment gateway doesn’t sends data to my server when the Cloudflare activated.
Deactivating Cloudflare solves the problem but I do want to use Cloudflare.
The firewall logs shows nothing about this error.
Do you have access to the logs for your payment gateway? How is the gateway trying to connect to your host? A standard HTTP connection? A special port?
One possible solution is to have your payment gateway bypass Cloudflare. If your server supports an alias that points to the same site, you can add that to your DNS as a entry, then tell the payment gateway to use that subdomain.
One possible solution is to have your payment gateway bypass Cloudflare. If your server supports an alias that points to the same site, you can add that to your DNS as a entry, then tell the payment gateway to use that subdomain.
Hi, Would you please restate steps to whitelist payment gateways such as Square and Amazon Pay? I’m very new at this! Thanks.
Add their IP addresses like this:
One possible solution is to have your payment gateway bypass Cloudflare. If your server supports an alias that points to the same site, you can add that to your DNS as a entry, then tell the payment gateway to use that subdomain.
this solution was working before i upgrade my server to vps. Now not working, so what made on the server ? pls help