How to use Cloudflare’s name servers on my WHM/cPanel VPS server?

I purchased VPS hosting from Namecheap with cPanel and WHM installed on the server. I intend to run Xenforo forum software on it, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to properly set up the Basic WHM setup.

This is what I’ve tried, but it does not work currently:

→ At the domain registrar, the nameservers are changed to my assigned Cloudflare nameservers.

→ At Cloudflare, DNS type A records point to my server main IP address.

→ In cPanel/WHM, the namerservers are also changed to the assigned Cloudflare nameservers.

When I visit the page, I get the default cPanel error page telling me there may be a server misconfiguration/DNS settings may be setup incorrectly. So, I’m obviously doing something wrong, and I’m guessing it’s because I haven’t configured my own nameservers for the server since that’s what you usually are supposed to do, as far as I understand. When I check out namecheaps support page, all I can find is this:

“If you have Namecheap VPS or Dedicated server with WHM/cPanel installed, you can register your own nameservers (ns1(dot).yourdomain(dot).com and ns2(dot)yourdomain(dot)com).”

Here is the initial setup guide I’ve followed:
https://www(dot)namecheap(dot)com/support/Help Center/article.aspx/9409/48/how-to-configure-initial-whm-settings-vps-and-dedicated-server#step1

I really do appreciate all help.

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