How to Skip bot checks with custom WAF rules

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

API calls blocked due to BOT cheks

What is the current SSL/TLS setting?


What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I am seeing a bot scans which are succesfuly handled (challenged or blocked) by cloudflare.
the problem is that for the api, there are some genuine callers. im not able to allow them. i have added a custom header which is coming in call, and on top of which i have added a custom WAF rule to skip. but apparently it just does not work. the calls are still challenged. since the response returned in case of challenge is html, the call fails.

i saw in one of the pot to add ASN or ip address, i can not do that. all the attacks i see now are using google, microsoft or amazon ASNs. if i allow any amazon aws ASN for my case it works, but, then it allows everything else as well. any insights on how this can be done ?

If you encounter any issues with this feature (e.g., false positive), we recommend the following workarounds:

  1. For Free plans, toggle Bot Fight Mode option to Off under Security > Bots
  2. For Pro, Business and Enterprise (no Bot Management add-on) plans: use the Skip action in Custom Rules to specify where Super Bot Fight Mode should not run.
  3. Use IP Access Rules to traffic blocked or challenged by BFM. Note: that you can’t bypass or skip BFM/SBFM using Firewall Rules or Page Rules. SBFM can be bypassed with IP access “Allow” action rules. BFM will be disabled if there are any IP access rules present.
  4. Consider using Bot Management for Enterprise, which gives you the ability to precisely customize your security threshold and create exception rules as needed

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