How to setup mx records correctly? Can't receive emails when my apex domain is proxied?

Just gone 1am and I’m pretty sure i’m there! Thanks for sending me down the right direction!

You’re right the problem was with Krystal’s settings in cPanel. There’s a spam filter in cpanel called ‘spamexperts’ that has a destinations section which seems to define where it sends the mail after filtering it -

’ After incoming messages are processed, they are delivered to the destinations configured here - this is typically the final mail server for the recipient. …’

This was set by default to my domain name eg: ‘’ - which I have now changed simply to the ip address of the mail server. I guess when proxy was turned on it couldn’t resolve for the email destination… or something like that… (can’t claim to understand it all fully!) I’ve turned the proxy back on for my A record and all seems to be working fine! So I expect I won’t have any problems switching over to my Cloudflare Pages site.

I found a thread with the same problem here - Yet another mail delivery issue?! - #19 by markopolo

The problem was with incoming mail, outgoing has been fine. the mail cname only seemed to be used in my email client, and when I totally deleted it my webmail account carried on the same but my email clients stopped working.

Yes, keeping the email on Krystal is just a temporary thing, focusing on switching website hosting first, then I’ll look for a cheaper email host and work out how to set transfer that properly another time…

Thanks for your help