Lets say I have an VPS server with ip adress 111.222.333.4 which registered in Cloudflare as example.com. I followed instruction to set reverse dns for mail.example.com by creating new zone 333.222.111.in-addr.arpa, then I added PTR record with name: 4 and Domain name: mail.example.com. But dashboard show that 333.222.111.in-addr.arpa is not active on Cloudflare yet. Instructions say I’ve got to contact with domain registrar. I think the registrar is Cloudflare, if so where should I put request?
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
PTR, the reverse name should be set on the host/origin server itself via /etc/hosts/ and /etc/hostname. Therefrom, the hosting provider should have an interface where you can also set the hostname for the IP address of the VPS/server.