How to protect wp-admin and wp-login by country without blocking Google or Cloudfla

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

Hello, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I want to allow the countries that appear in the rule that I show you to enter wp-admin and block the rest of the non-Spanish speaking countries (although I normally enter from France, I would have to add it too , and my country is Spain). But the thing is that I block access to the website and it stops being visible on the home page and it also blocks adsense and cloudflare requests, what can I do? I just have no idea how to do it.

What is the current SSL/TLS setting?

Full (strict)

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

This rule leaves the website blocked on mobile phones (at least the one I use), and I cannot access any url on the website. (http.request.uri.path contains “/wp-admin”) or (http.request.uri.path contains “/administrator” and in {“AD”}) or ( in {“AR”}) or ( in {“BO”}) or ( in {“CL”}) or ( in {“CO”}) or ( in {“CR”}) or ( in {“CU”}) or ( in {“DO”}) or ( in {“EC”}) or ( in {“SV”}) or ( in {“GT”}) or ( in {“HN”}) or ( in {“MX”}) or ( in {“NI”}) or ( in {“PA”}) or ( in {“PY”}) or ( in {“PE”}) or ( in {“PR”}) or ( in {“ES”}) or ( in {“UY”}) or ( in {“VE”} action: block

Screenshot of the error

Rather, wp-login.php? :thinking:

If the login is the concern, I’d suggest putting wp-login.php behind a Cloudflare Access and use Zero Trust for such case where you include your email address (only) or add additional criteria like country France (user has to be from France - by the network IP address and the email entered has to be your private only to get the PIN code for authentication to proceed to wp-login.php page).
See my post below with more links and resources how to achieve this:

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