How to private all files directly, and leave only signed url?

For Workes & Pages, what is the name of the domain?

What is the issue or error you’re encountering

private public

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I used to use s3, and it had the ‘visibility’ option, it was much easier.

I want to upload all my ‘video’ files, and be able to access them only via signed URLs, with expiration etc. If I try to access the .mp4 file directly it is not possible, how can I do this? It seems confusing to me.

Cloudflare R2 does not have object ACLs or even a concept of public and private objects.

In Cloudflare R2, all objects are private unless you setup a custom domain or enable public bucket URL - then all objects will be public.

You can continue to use presigned URLs to grant temporary access to private objects.