That long curl command is how you do it from command line. Just be sure to change the funky number strings to your Zone ID and API key, plus your Cloudflare email address. Your Zone ID is on your Cloudflare Overview page.
Curl is a command line utility. If you have a mac you can probably do it straight from the terminal. On a linux machine you can run it fro the command line.
In the second instance replace with the domain you want to change and replace email and auth-key with your values it should return a response in the terminal with the zoneID for your zone.
In the first example replace 023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353 with your zone ID and again replace the email and auth-key values with your own.
If you have your zone ID you don’t need to look it up again (unless you just want to practice your newfound curl skills). You should be able to copy/ paste the code from the first example right into the terminal window and hit enter. Steps can be run from any machine… it’s changing a Cloudflare setting (no changes to the origin).
The problem is not https protocol, but the first code you shared above. Actually code is the same as in the api doc but when I copy it, there was a " 1 " right after the api link. so it is like