How to limit Cloudflare Pages to detect changes only in specific GitHub branches?

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What is the issue or error you’re encountering

Cloudflare Pages detects changes in all branches and attempts to build. Even after disabling automatic builds, it continues detecting changes in all branches but skips the build process.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have already disabled automatic builds, but I want it to detect changes only in specific branches, not all of them.

Where you disabled builds you can configure the branches to run. E.g. if you wanted only all feat/ branches you’d do:

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Yes, I did that, but it detects all branches anyway

It detects all branches, but only does QA builds (the one I chose). I would like it to only detect QA and main and not show the others.


That isn’t supported today, it will always show “Skipped” so you know that we did it see but decided to not action.

cc: @anni for feedback on that