How to handle the error about DO code being updated?

We are getting the following log
Durable Object reset because its code was updated.

We are afraid that this is actually causing error on the user side.

Is cloudflare handling the call from worker to DO automatically or we should handle the failure?


Thank you for reaching out to us. This is described here: Troubleshooting | Cloudflare Durable Objects docs

We hope that our documentation makes it clear that “Error: Durable Object reset because its code was updated.” does not disrupt stored data. It can disrupt an in-flight request, but that’s to enforce uniqueness - it would be worse to allow the old, no-longer-current version of the DO to continue.

Please let us know if you have further questions.


Thanks for the answer
So does it make sense to wrap the calls to DO and in case of failure with that error message to call it again?