How to block old chrome browsers with waf rule?

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

cant add proper waf rule

What is the current SSL/TLS setting?


What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Tied different rules, but cant get one that will block older chromes

for example:

(http.user_agent contains “Chrome/1” and not http.user_agent contains “Chrome/11[0-9]”)

That looks like you’re attempting RegEx, which would require a “matches” check on a Biz or Ent plan. Why not a wildcard for *Chrome/11*

(http.user_agent contains "Chrome/1") and (not http.user_agent wildcard r"*Chrome/11*")

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Thank you

but I don’t think it will block chrome 91 for example.

is there a way to do it? so everything below 110 for example is blocked?

Why not try Contains Chrome AND Doesn’t Contain Chrome/1 AND doesn’t contain Chrome/11

So, if it has Chrome, but not anything in the hundreds AND not in the 110s. You’d probably need Doesn’t Contain Chrome/12 also.

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hmm, not sure I follow how it would block the 91 version?

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