How often are my visitors receiving 500/5XX errors?

Some people are reporting they’re getting 5XX errors. I don’t know how common they are. Is there some place in Cloudflare that I can view how many times it’s returning 5XX errors?

Maybe even where the 5XX errors are coming from?

This is some really basic information that only cloudflare could gather and provide…

Hey @jon5 you can use Logflare for this!

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Is there no way to view this information on Cloudflare’s website?

You’d have to use CF zone analytics api to get that info Cloudflare API v4 Documentation

Write a custom script to query the CF api for your zone. Example from querying CF API for one of my zones for past 24hrs

  Cloudflare Zone Analytics
  since: 2019-12-10T04:00:00Z
  until: 2019-12-11T04:00:00Z
  requests all: 220976
  requests cached: 220510
  requests uncached: 466
  requests ssl-encrypted: 209234
  requests ssl-unencrypted: 11742

  "all": 57902,
    "applebot": 116,
    "baiduspider": 61,
    "bingbot": 1847,
    "facebookexternalhit": 47,
    "googlebot": 2252,
    "twitterbot": 48,
    "yandexbot": 1745

  Requests HTTP Status Codes:
  "200": 183835,
  "204": 3969,
  "206": 40,
  "301": 15441,
  "302": 3787,
  "303": 662,
  "304": 3973,
  "307": 2868,
  "400": 16,
  "403": 1608,
  "404": 2290,
  "405": 19,
  "415": 1,
  "416": 15,
  "499": 1943,
  "502": 139,
  "503": 7,
  "520": 83,
  "521": 4,
  "522": 44,
  "524": 232

  Requests SSL Protocols:
  "TLSv1.2": 75068,
  "TLSv1.3": 134166,
  "none": 11742
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With Logflare you just install it and do a search for metadata.response.status_code:>=500 and you’ll get something this which not only gives you the chart but all the data about each request so you can debug those 5xx’s:

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And you can setup email, SMS or the new Logflare Slack app to get real-time notifications of 5xx’s as they happen :slight_smile:


Indeed with logflare you can drill in deeper for better insights :slight_smile:

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