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Hi Cloudflare Community
We’re using Cloudflare Stream for video streaming and Cloudflare R2 for image storage, and we want to confirm our cost calculations. Our use case involves:
• 20 videos (1 minute long each) per user.
• Each video is streamed 100 times annually.
• Total video storage per user: 100MB (assuming 5MB per video).
• Total streaming bandwidth per user: 10GB annually (5MB per video x 100 views x 20 videos).
Current Estimate:
• Storage Cost: $0.10/month ($1.20/year) for 100MB of video storage.
• Streaming Cost: $2.00/year for 10GB of bandwidth.
1. Are these storage and streaming estimates accurate based on Cloudflare’s pricing for Stream and R2?
2. Should we be factoring in additional costs (e.g., encoding or hidden fees) that we might have missed?