How do I unzip log file?

I pushed logs from Cloudlfare to AWS. The log files are in .gz format. Still, I could not unzip the log files by use of gunzip, winrar and 7-zip. What should I do

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And why not?

I am also facing the same issue. If i run gunzip command I get the following error.

$ gunzip 20200813T071500Z_20200813T072000Z_6ac6c101.log.gz
gunzip: 20200813T071500Z_20200813T072000Z_6ac6c101.log.gz: not in gzip format

What does

file yourfile.log.gz


We also use logpush to push logs form cloudflare to our bucket. It seems that these files are not gzip-compressed.

the .gz log is a JSON file, not really compress file.
cat filename.log.gz