Ive got my domain using DNS with Cloudflare and I do get the protection if somebody puts in the domain but problem is it exposes the ip address I have to use in Page rules to route to the server so basically somebody if they wanted could directly bypass the domain to the IP address directly easily and it doesn’t go through Cloudflare and making the protection easily bypassable… Any suggestions Ive looked if I could set it up through DNS but I cant route to specific ports like 2083 which is what I need to be able to do… Id like to not expose the IP Address openly to be bypassed and make DDOS protection inefficient… Maybe I have to upgrade to the domain from the freebie version but any suggestions folks have Im open to
Cloudflare can proxy HTTPS on Port 2083. So you can hide your IP address by redirecting requests for example.com to sub.example.com:2083. Both can be set to .
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