How do I find my Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)?

The website I’m looking to find this for is Would the FQDN be “”?


No. The answer is:

EDIT. This is actually incorrect. Correction below.

Technically FQDNs should include the hostname such as

hostname = mailserver
domain = example
top-level domain = .com

However, often folks will say “FQDN” in reference to just domain + tld

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I think technically the domain can represent the FQDN if that also identifies the machine/host in question (

Appending to your previous answer @anon13938084 technically it should also include:

root = .

So a FQDN really is but no one really does that (including the trailing .) outside of perhaps in a BIND file because the root is implicit. And for completeness I guess technically there can also be n instances of:

subdomain = $foo

So or which would be two different FQDNs. Although outside of Active Directory instances of multiple subdomains are pretty rare. :wink:

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By RFC 1983 FQDN should include subdomain. My mistake then. I was going to say that both of them are technically FQDNs but didn’t check RFC and finally made wrong assumption.

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@kevaleb we’re just arguing semantics now for fun, the previous answer was correct. :slight_smile:

I would argue the distinction in in that RFC is between a host name and a FQDN is an example not a rule. And that the example is intended to demonstrate the difference between a FQDN and a PQDN. When there is an @ record at the root that specifies a host I think that technically it is fully qualified and that the host ‘@’ is implicit in the FQDN in the same way the trailing root ‘.’ is also implicit.

If you don’t have an ‘@’ A record (which is common in Active Directory for example not to have a host which represents then that doesn’t represent a FQDN, but instead would be a FQDN. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for your help guys.