I have register domain “spaceyz.org” in Cloudflare, but my website is in the platform A2
Hosting. I am a user of free plan now. It seems that I cannot setup the Nameservers. I try
to add a recorder in the DNS recorders, but I have no idea whether this action is correct.
I need some help. Thanks !
That is correct. Cloudflare does not allow you to change the nameservers.
You’ll have to check with A2 Hosting whether you can use your domain by adding an A record. If not, you need to transfer your domain to a different registrar.
In Cloudflare, the DNS Records page remind me to add a new record for resolving www.spaceyz.org | @spaceyz.org, How can I achieve that? I try to add like below. Am I right?
for: www.spaceyz.org
Type: A
Name: www
Target: Nameservers IP in A2 Hosting
for: mail
Type: MX
Mail server: mail server name by A2 Hosting
Priority: ← ? 0, 65535 which one is the highest priority?
No, neither of those (1,2&3) will work. You can’t use A2 nameservers.
You can inquire with A2 whether there is a way to connect a custom domain via A records. If not, you need to transfer your domain to a different registrar.