How can I get unblocked from

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Sorry, you have been blocked

What is the issue you’re encountering

I cannot access the website under a pretext of cyber attacks.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

My Ray ID is 8b6cc1da7c076602
I have mailed Hatched trying to resolve this issue but haven’t got any response yet.

In what area can we help you?

I don’t know


Thank you for asking.

I’ve tested and I can access the Website without any error.

I am sorry to hear you’re experiencing such an issue.

Unfortunately, if this is a Website which you’re visting but you’re not the owner, I am afraid we might be out of luck. The only thing which you can do is to try to contact Website owner about this, as you’ve stated you’ve already did.

You could give it a try to access it using a VPN or over a TOR, but I do not guarantee because it could also be blocked and restricted.

Obviously the website owner is using Cloudflare and security options available to him to protect his website.

Maybe you have had some bad requests, or the owner decided to deny the requests comming from your country, etc.

Only the owner of the site you’re visiting can tell you why you are unable to access the site. Contacting Support or posting here will not result in an answer.

Neither the Community nor Cloudflare Customer Support can do anything to alter the settings created by the site owner. It’s their site and they determine what traffic they allow or don’t allow, sorry for the issue but we cannot alter the results.

More about this error on the article from below:

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Thank you for the help. By chance, do you know what company is owned by. Thank you.

Seems to be pointing towards Recorded Future.

The logo on their page contains “Recorded Future”, as if Triage is a brand from them.

In addition, both the “Terms” and “Privacy” links go to

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