How can I be notified when Cloudflare is disabled, or DNS bypassed?

We use Cloudflare’s Country header for a very important Geo location service on a website.

If we disable Cloudflare for whatever reason, its possible we could forget to re-enable it. Its happened, and we’ve broken our site for some time.

So how can I have some alert/reminder that its disabled to re-enable, or have an automated re-enable after a certain amount of time? It is an important or critical service after all.


You could write a script or use a 3rd party monitoring service or automate whatever process causes you to need to disable it.

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Agreed. A basic Cron job would do it.

Another approach: You rely on the country header? Throw yourself a notification when a request is received and this header is missing.



Another approach: You rely on the country header? Throw yourself a notification when a request is received and this header is missing.

Yes this would be a great solution, instant email thanks.

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