Hosting Finder

There is a third party tool which can say who is hosting this website when website is behind Cloudflare proxy. is that a Cloudflare bug?

I somewhat doubt that. Can you link to that tool?

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yeah sure. Try these 2 websites.



is that a Cloudflare bug? But websites like barackobama[D]com and taylorswift[D]com they cannā€™t tell.

I presume you are referring to the site mentioning ā€œBluehostā€. Is that right?

They probably either use historic domain data or try to determine it based on leaked IP addresses (e.g. MX records). That should not be a Cloudflare issue.

No. itā€™s not historical data. They couldnt say that when I was checking that 4 months ago.

its historical data or bad Cloudflare configuration(you can leak your ip address in the dns when used wrong way)ā€¦ in my case its showing old ip before moving to Cloudflare

which website u checked? I think, itā€™s Cloudflare issue.

nopeā€¦ if they find your ip the problem is in your sideā€¦ you are leaking it in some way, check you site dns and see all the records

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it tells exactly hoster. Already tested so many websites.

Itā€™s pretty weird because it doesnā€™t show that for my domain


Maybe itā€™s because you use Buehost provided mail?

$ dig MX +short

Itā€™s showing my third party email host as the one hosting my website. Not so accurate.


No. itā€™s not showing mx record as host. Do you guys need examples?

if you are saying so, Then check this abandarage[D]com

As @sandro already mentioned, this looks like itā€™s using historical data or MX records. But youā€™ve got a bunch of Cloudflare veteran users checking all our own domains for this, and what itā€™s turning up for us is either outdated historical data, or mail hosts. We canā€™t explain other peopleā€™s data leaks, but weā€™ve got our own sites pretty well clamped down.

Try this one: (No, this site isnā€™t hosted in Europe, and never has been)


Ok. Maybe in some cases, itā€™s right. But I mentioned websites above there belong to me so I know how I prepared those. I changed hosting 4 times. In every time I did that from zone editor. I didnā€™t turn off DNS(DIDNā€™T TURN TO GRAY COLOR). Changed IP only. And also I mentioned before Itā€™s didnā€™t show anything 4 month ago.

On my main test domain (which has been behind Cloudflare for a while and has ā€˜goodā€™ config based on what I currently consider my own best-practices) I just get this:

My other domains are similarly obfuscated. Same results when run them through sites like etc. No mention of real hosts anywhere to be found.


Seems I missed the Cloudflare Hosting blog post. When did that start? :slight_smile:


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