Helpdesk Availability Issues

Jul 24, 11:10 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.

Jul 24, 10:09 UTC
Monitoring - Our helpdesk provider has indicated that their systems are working as expected and we will monitor for a period of time.

Jul 24, 08:51 UTC
Identified - There continues to be intermittent issues and we continuing to work with our helpdesk provider.

Jul 24, 08:45 UTC
Monitoring - All systems appear to be working and we are monitoring the situation.

Jul 24, 08:41 UTC
Investigating - Our helpdesk provider is currently experiencing issues, and as such customers might encounter errors while submitting or viewing tickets. Responses on customer inquiries may be delayed during this time.

Customers can still reach us via live chat (Business and Enterprise) through the Cloudflare Dashboard or via the emergency telephone line (Enterprise).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at