Help with billing issue and not attention to related ticket

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

4 pro plans charged…

What is the issue you’re encountering

I have $100 carges for plans I did not buy

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Please, I posted ticket 01327362, but the ticket is not shown in my cases and I cannot add comments or infor about it.

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?


Screenshot of the error


Thank you for writing.

I am sorry to hear about this happen to you.

Thank you for sharing your ticket number here with us.
The team is notified about your case and will respond accordingly onto it.
Please, be aware it’s Holidays vibes and there might be limited window from Support, nevertheless the team will surely help. Thank you for patience in advance.

Hello @jbejarano, I contacted the billing team, and they have responded to you now via ticket. Thank you!

Could you take a look at the ticket please… I cannot access it… it’s not shown in my cases view and if I click the ticket link here:

the screen keeps loading for ever as shown in attached image:

Thank you for feedback.
The Support team indicated they replied on your ticket, did you receive that reply?

No sir… that has been part of my problems with the cloudflare account… The only notification I got is from you… fron this this case. It’s weird because if I check my cases in the support page the ticket I sent to the billing team is not shown.

@fritex See image below… it’s a view of my cases… the ticket in question is not there…

My colleagues have indicated this was resolved on your ticket. Please post another topic here if that is not the case.