What is the name of the domain?
soundbeats (dot) io
What is the error number?
This page isn’t working soundbeats.io redirected you too many times.
What is the error message?
What is the issue you’re encountering
CNAME/AAA records added (as instructed by webflow); Website still doesnt work, and their customer support said there is DNS recorod propogation and I should speak to Cloudflare.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Hi there,
My website is in webflow, and the support their asked me to contact Cloudflare, here is the message.
=====““I have checked your DNS records once again, and I still see issues with the propagation of the A records on your root domain, and the propagation of the CNAME record on the www subdomain.
To confirm, the issues here appear to be stemming from your DNS zone host rather than Webflow. Because of this, I recommend reaching out to your DNS zone host to request they look into the DNS record propagation issues for you. You can provide them the details from this email/ticket to assist them in their inquiry too””===============
we have went back and forth with them but still unable to solve the issue; We have a big upcoming event and our audience not able to load the website is a big problem for us. Please advise.
ps: our domain is bought from namescheap; and i think there is no issues there.
Thank you
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
DNS not responding/updating