Help needed with DNS records

is it possible for someone to take a look at my Cloudflare DNS records to check they are ok?

I’m a bit lost with them and one is saying the ip address is exposed.

Would that be ok, or I can take a screenshot?

It’s been 3 days since I’ve been trying to work out if my DNS records are correct.

And whether to have a wild card * a record.

I am not getting emails to my forwarded email.


Don’t recommend that. You may expose your IPs or other data accidentally. Replace actual info with fake one and ask your question.

The problem of exposing IP usually happens when you run your mail server on the same machine of your website. That is the common case with CPanel and the solution is to use external email service providers of using a separate machine as email server (in latter case Cloudflare doesn’t protect that machine but at least any attack on that machine doesn’t affect your website).

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