Help me understand Cloudflare Images free plan

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Hello, I need help understanding the free tier plan of Cloudflare Images. I apologize if this question seems naive, but I want to ensure I have a clear understanding. I currently have about 1,000 images on my website, and I’m not interested in using Cloudflare’s storage to host my images. Instead, I want to utilize the on-the-fly image optimization feature. The free tier plan mentions that you can create 100 variants for each image, but it does not explicitly state the maximum number of images it can optimize for free. Has anyone here used the free tier plan? Additionally, I am using WordPress as a CMS for my website. My goal is for Cloudflare to pull the images and optimize them on-the-fly to serve to clients. Currently, I have a setup with Flyimage installed on a VPS, which uses the Cloudflare free plan to serve the images. It effectively optimizes the images, converts them into WebP or AVIF formats, and resizes them based on user devices while serving them through Cloudflare’s free CDN. What I’m hoping for is to eliminate the need for a VPS and instead use Cloudflare Images, but only if it truly remains free. Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Variants refer to predefined sizes when serving images that are stored in Images.

If you’re serving images that are stored in remote sources, then you’ll want to request transformations, which is a request to optimize an external image based on a set of parameters. See more documentation here.

How many different transformations do you expect to make in a given month?


Thanks @deanna

I do understand what “variant” means. What I would like to know is how many images I can optimize per month at most.

Like I mentioned, I have about 1,000 images in total on my website. Again, not a thousand variants of a single image; I have a total of a thousand different images.

I also know how remote transformation works. Can you help me understand PAYG pricing? Is it truly free or I’ll be charged for optimizing images on-the-fly? There must be some sort of limit to it.

As I said, I will only use remote image optimization, not Cloudflare storage.

How much I will be charged per image/photo? Again, I am not talking about a variant of each/single image. That I understand its free for 100 variants for each image.