Help - how do i see/set the expiry date on a dedcated SSL?

how do i see/set the expiry date on a dedcated SSL?

I checked in my admin console and all I see it it says “Managed by Cloudflare” - what does this mean?

I went through a lot of effort to get this loaded into Salesforce and I an being told it expired already (2 months!) This is no use.

How can I see or set when this expires so it can be correctly set up. If I cant have it for more than two months it is no use to me and I will buy one elsewhere.

Any tips on how to generate a .jks file from a key store would also be welcomed as the person who did this previously is no longer around to help me and it’s not obvious.


Hi @garry1,

The dedicated SSL is for Cloudflare’s edge servers, not your origin server. Managed by Cloudflare means they will auto renew it and keep it updated, I believe.

You could use a Cloudflare origin certificate on your server if you proxy (:orange:) through Cloudflare.

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