Granting DNS access for just one site

I manage a lot of sites for different customers.

Is there a way to add a customer as a user, but have them only be able to make changes to their own site? In other words, can I add a user to my account and restrict their access to certain websites?



No. You would have to set up a separate account for that customer, then give yourself access to it, either by sharing the password, or by using a Multi-User account:


I would also love this feature - how do we start a feature request to build support for such a feature? I don’t want to create separate accounts for each customer…

Oh I found the answer here - but it looks like this has been closed?

Is this a feature that is planned or will happen in the future?

The only way, other than the marked Solution, is through the API using a limited token.

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@sdayman. I hope this is something that is being addressed. Granting access on a per domain level seems like a no brainer.

Setting up another account and granting access is not a good solution.