What is the name of the domain?
What is the error number?
HTTP 404 (reported by Google)
What is the error message?
Not found (404) These pages aren’t indexed or served on Google
What is the issue you’re encountering
Pages that do exist and did exist at the time Google crawled the site are shown as HTTP 404 in Google Search Console
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
cve.threatint.com is a free service that contains information on publicly disclosed Cybersecurity vulnerabilities based on data from the CVE® Program. The database has > 300.000 entries (“CVE-IDs”) which result in separate pages being made available via https://cve.threatint.com/CVE/
Google Seach console reports about 1000 out of these > 300.000 pages as HTTP 404 NOT FOUND. The problem is that these entries / CVE-IDs and the resulting pages existed at the time Google crawled the site.
Kindly refer to the screenshot attached: their crawl was conducted on Sep, 21st , the first three entries are as follows:
If you click on the link you find the information on the page that is was: Published: 2014-12-09, Updated: 2024-08-06
Published: 2013-03-07, Updated: 2024-08-06
Published: 2024-09-19, Updated: 2024-09-20
So I am pretty sure that these entries existed. But why does Google run into HTTP 404?
To make things even worse (or: more interesting, depending on your point of view), the part of the application that serves /CVE/ it not even capable of returning HTTP 404 at all!
Errors are reported as HTTP 50x in case the application runs into a serious problem. If a CVE-ID cannot be found, the application returns HTTP 200 and shows a nice page telling you that the CVE-ID you were looking for is not in our database (yet).
Consequently, I cannot find a single response HTTP 404 in our web server logs.
Has anybody ever had a similar issue? I cannot believe that this is something that breaks on Cloudflare CDN. What am I missing?
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Start new validation in Google Search Console, wait 3-5 days for news results to come back.