Google ecommerce events not working

Hi there,

Beginner question here: I’m trying to get Google ecommerce events in my analytics but I’m not getting anything related to the ecommerce side.

I installed zaraz, activated zaraz ecommerce, paid for the workers and added this code to the end of the body

" < script >
zaraz.ecommerce(‘Product Added’, { name, quantity, price });
zaraz.ecommerce(‘Checkout Started’, { name, quantity, price });
zaraz.ecommerce(‘Order Completed’, { name, quantity, price });
< /script >"

What am I not doing please ? (PS: I added spaces in the scrip to make it appear)

Right now, I’m just getting the page views in Google Analytics.

PS: DO I need to create triggers for these in Zaraz ?


Hi Ashvin, have you toggled ecommerce in your Zaraz Settings page too?


i am I want to understand cloudflare details can you help me

i want to learn a ecommerce