Google Analytics Not Working since implmenting APO and Rocket Loader

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What is the issue you’re encountering

Google stopped working after turning on APO & Rocket Loader yesterday

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

none…trying to find out why.
Site speed is good, but the Google Analytics just stopped working yesterday after implementing APO and switching on Rocket Loader.
People are on the site, as we are making sales…i just cant see them in Google Analytics Real Time anymore.

At least you have had some luck. APO would not even work for me. Wish i could help but i gave up on APO. The 100 + posts about it being broken with no solutions lead me to giving up.

Its Rocket Loader causing the issue…seems that it replaces JS files with a different tag, that swhy google analytics stops working…

doing more testing to find out solution.

anyone know how/where to write a rule to get it to ignore google js code?

Is this the correct way to enter - data-cfasync=“false” in the script?

I tried this and still Rocket Loader will not ignore…so it stops all my traffic appearinging in Google Analytics…anyone can help?

script async src=“”>
script data-cfasync=“false”
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || ;
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag(‘js’, new Date());

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