we forgot to renew our hosting plan and godaddy just redid it. However they said the IP changed.
They said to contact cloudflare and have them change the IP. Godaddy sent us the new IP
i have no clue what I am doing.
our site is down and they said it is because of this problem with Cloudflare. is it possible for me to do this? i do not believe there is someone i can call at cloudflare.
The only thing with a numbered IP was the A records. there are a bunch of apostrophes next to many of the cname records. Does that mean they are all broken? they don’t have a numbered domain. it is our domain spelled out. Our domain is the same. However we forgot to pay that too. It was back up yesterday. Does the domain and web host going down a day affect any of these records for somereason?
Oh, the exclamation marks. If you hover over them, they will tell you why they’re there. Maybe because they’re a CNAME for something that’s set to , but the CNAMEs are set to .