What is the name of the domain?
What is the error number?
No error number, just redirects to /lander
What is the error message?
No error message, just redirects to /lander
What is the issue you’re encountering
Redirects to /lander
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
So I’m trying to redirect a client’s old Godaddy domain to a new Godaddy domain. I wasn’t aware CF would be the better approach to setting thisup, so I tried setting up forwarding on Godaddy, and Godaddy support advised to revert back to their nameservers. I was able to set up forwarding but only for the root domain (kaffeen.club to kaffeen.co) which means all of the other pages using the old domain don’t get redirected. When I looked into it, the unanimous advice was that Godaddy sucks and to use CF’s redirect, so I did.
I reverted back to using Cloudflare’s nameservers, and set up the two DNS records with the address. I’ve also set up redirect rules.
However, the pages are getting redirected to Godaddy’s /lander.
What am I doing wrong?
Here are the screenshots of the DNS records and page rules and redirect rules:
DNS records: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Redirect rule: Screenshot by Lightshot
Page rules: Screenshot by Lightshot