Godaddy domain redirecting to /lander

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

No error number, just redirects to /lander

What is the error message?

No error message, just redirects to /lander

What is the issue you’re encountering

Redirects to /lander

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

So I’m trying to redirect a client’s old Godaddy domain to a new Godaddy domain. I wasn’t aware CF would be the better approach to setting thisup, so I tried setting up forwarding on Godaddy, and Godaddy support advised to revert back to their nameservers. I was able to set up forwarding but only for the root domain ( to which means all of the other pages using the old domain don’t get redirected. When I looked into it, the unanimous advice was that Godaddy sucks and to use CF’s redirect, so I did.

I reverted back to using Cloudflare’s nameservers, and set up the two DNS records with the address. I’ve also set up redirect rules.

However, the pages are getting redirected to Godaddy’s /lander.

What am I doing wrong?

Here are the screenshots of the DNS records and page rules and redirect rules:
DNS records: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Redirect rule: Screenshot by Lightshot
Page rules: Screenshot by Lightshot

Screenshot of the error

Both and redirect to at my end.

Even and both redirect to

So it seems this is working already.

Try testing from a Guest/Private/Incognito browser window. If that still doesn’t work, flush or local DNS cache, change your DNS resolver, or just sit back and wait for this to sort itself out automagically.

Aside: I recommend removing the records pointing to the Squarespace IP address highlighted below, as they’re not needed.