Giving Android Qbittorrend app access to tunnel

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

Server error: ‘302 found’ (probably a Qbittorrent error, not a Cloudflare error)

What is the issue you’re encountering

I want to access my Qbittorrent ‘server’ via its Android app. It used to work, but now I added a method of authentication, since I realized everyone could ‘enter’ my tunnel. But now the app doesn’t get through… Any help is greatly appreciated!

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I tried giving the serial number of my mobile phone access, by adding a “List” to “My team”

… But that didn’t do the trick.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Using the Qbittorrent Android app with e-mail verification.

Two easiest methods that come to mind are

  • Connect the device to the Zero Trust WARP client, then add a policy to allow Service Auth in the case of a Gateway connection
  • Add a basic IP allowlist if applicable

I’ve added Gateway to the policy, as per your link.

I’ve installed the Android app, and I’m connected:

But still no success…

I also tried http, but that gave another error. If I go the web address in a browser, that works…

Can you show what the policy looks like? It should be set to Service Auth rather than Allow

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I had that wrong.

But still no luck :frowning: